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Home Away from Home

By Concordia Connection Staff Writer

For Concordia Child Care Centre Director Laura Allen, choosing the childcare field was not a choice but a progression of who she already was.

“My journey in childcare began with a deep love for children,” shared Laura. “It all started with numerous babysitting gigs, particularly for my young cousin who coincidentally was born six years to the day on my birthday.”

This naturally led to the opportunity to babysit for people outside her family, “Supporting the families was a big thing for me,” Laura said. The main family she babysat for the mom had just returned to work, leaving Laura to care for a 4-month-old baby and a 3-year-old child and the responsibility of household tasks like cooking and cleaning.

Her love of children landed her a job at Ecole Margaret-Underhill (EMU) as a summer student at 16 and 17. Even at this young age, her reputation as an excellent nurturer was drawing a lot of positive attention.

“I was contacted about a daycare starting at Radisson school and was asked if I would like to work there once I turned 18,” which she readily accepted.

Upon completing high school, Laura took a significant step in her career by enrolling in the Early Childhood Education course at RRC Polytech. Simultaneously, she continued her job at the Radisson Child Care Centre.

“While studying, the Child Care Centre I worked at (Radisson) allowed me to work weekends. I was involved in planning, shopping, and invoicing. It was a great time. I had the keys to the school, so I could go whenever I wanted to get things done.” After earning her ECE II, she returned to work at EMU and eventually rose to the supervisor position.

Even with her training and natural ability, when the opportunity opened up to work at what eventually became Concordia Child Care Centre, there were roadblocks to navigate. Laura explains, “I knew a Child Care Centre was opening in Concordia Hospital. It was going to be a satellite Centre for a Centre based in Transcona. I was asked by someone from the board if I would come and work there, but it was not through with that Centre. I knew something was coming, so when it did come, it was posted. My mom and a few other people I know worked at Concordia Hospital and pushed me to apply. I was a little nervous because, besides my practicums, I had never done infant or preschool care. It’s a big difference. The ratio for school-age is 1:15. You are in charge of 15 School-age children capable of doing everything independently. It’s more relationship-building and supporting them. Infant (1:4 ratio) and preschool (1:8 ratio) care differs.

These little children rely on you for diaper changing, feeding, etc.” Laura did take the position, which led to her taking her ECE III and specializing in infant and toddler care. She liked the change and became the supervisor just before she went on maternity leave in 2017.

These past five years have seen many changes in daycare rules, legislation, staff, and families. “When we first opened (2009), parents were always coming in the Centre,” Laura said. “They would eat lunch with their child; we had moms coming to breastfeed.” During COVID, it was necessary to put a freeze on this practice.

Since the Centre’s philosophy is ‘a home away from home,’ Laura said the challenge now is getting families back to where they can come into the room and spend time with their child and build that relationship again. “Parents aren’t used to that,” she continues. “And many of our staff came in during COVID too, so they aren’t used to that. We are trying to find the balance of bringing them back in.”

As changes are implemented and the Centre adapts, Laura and her team are on the right track. With many Childcare Centres, staffing can be like a revolving door, but it’s different for the Concordia Child Care Centre. “The majority of us have been here since day one or shortly after, and that’s huge for many Childcare Centres,” Laura says.

This positive reputation also helps secure support from the community: “We work closely with Kildonan-East Collegiate. They offer a workplace class, and we have students who come in wanting to eventually work with children. Concordia Hospital volunteer services also send us volunteers. We have been fortunate to hire these students and volunteers. They know our Centre and the children, and we know them a little. It makes it so much easier. We have supportive and caring families, which really makes a difference.”

Laura assumed the position of Director at Concordia Child Care Centre in 2020 and has been with us for 11 years. She is mom of Colten, who is almost six years old and plans to have a career in aviation or rocket science. Clearly immersive play has fueled this little boy’s ambitions.  We are incredibly fortunate to have Laura on our team.  

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