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Thank You Friends!

Dr. Tyler Laycock, Director of Concordia Urgent Care, and Valerie Wiebe, President and COO, Concordia Hospital, celebrate the purchase of this critical medical equipment.

Thank you to everyone who supported the success of this campaign.  We have been able to purchase this state-of-the-art mobile ultrasound unit for Concordia Urgent Care. 

Campaign for Concordia Urgent Care’s Ultrasound 2020 and Education Fund

Dr. Tyler Laycock, Director of Concordia Urgent Care, and Valerie Wiebe, President and COO, Concordia Hospital, celebrate the purchase of this critical medical equipment.

 Donors and Supporters, thank you!

People make it possible for patients and their families to have a positive, life-changing experience. We are so grateful to our donors, committee members, board members, and sponsors for making it possible for Concordia Urgent Care to purchase a cutting-edge portable ultrasound that can quickly analyze and diagnose an issue in real-time.

We thank everyone who supported the campaign between August 19 and October 31, 2020 to make this grant to Concordia Hospital, possible.

View our Donors and Supporters

$10,000 – $50,000

Miriam Bergen

Herb and Erna Buller (Buller Family Foundation)

Phillip R. and Ilse K. Ens

Hubert and Bernice Kleysen

Dr. Peter Kuegle

Barb and Gerry Price and the Price Family Foundation

Steinbach Credit Union

The Concordia Foundation Golf Committee and Participants Golf 2020

$1,000 – $5,000

Regan and Geoff Archambault and Century 21 Realtors

George Esau

Bill and Margaret Fast Family Foundation

Alan Graham

Agnes Kroeker

Fred Myers

Drs. P & J Patel Medical Corporation

Ervin and Lorraine Petkau

Ingrid and Harold Peters-Fransen

Bert Polet

Maria Streu

Dr. J.M. Trainor


$500 – $999

Anonymous (2 donors)

Abhishek Bhardwaj and the Concordia Community Clinic

My Chi Cung

Ben Dyck

Barbara Ewasko

Don and Mary Hanson

Eleanor MacDonald

Audrey F. Thompson

Edmund Gerhard and Elfrieda Wall

Marie M. Wild

$200 – $499

Marjorie Blankstein

Jose Cabral

Sandy Chahal

Garry Fries

Norm and Viola Giesbrecht

Joan Johnston

Sam Katz

Peter and Lenora Kehler

Donald King

John Klassen

Bill McLennan

Dr. & Mrs. Glenn and Marguerite Nichols

David and Hermine Olfert

Ronald and Elizabeth Robbins

Irwin and Ruth Schroeder

Eileen and Fred Storozuk

Johannes and Francina Vogel

Jakob and Katharina Vogt

Helmut and Eleonore Wicha

$25 – $199

Andrew and Edith A. Alexiuk

David and Sylvia Allan

Nellie Allen

Tom & Anastasia Argyriou

Bernie Atamanchuk

Anna Backe

Ingaborg Barthel

Cheryl Bird

Ronald Boyd

Luz Bragais

Peter and Betty Braun

Roger Brunet

Fred and Penny Bryans

Lemac Bubegwa and Jeannette Inamahoro

Rose Buchik

Frieda Bueckert

Roberta Cantor

David Carr

Elda Cerne

Andrea Chomyshyn

Mary Chubey

Ronald and Evelyn Cinch

June Cowan

Catherine Darbell

Tom Dercola

Orest Derkach

Tannis Derkach

Nick and Lesia Diakiw

Ike and Tina Doerksen

Heather Dunn

Gordon Emberley

Rudy G. Engbrecht

George and Margaret Ens

Carl and Shirley Espersen

Dorothy Flight

Rebecca and Ramon Faunal

Denys Fraser

Marian H. Friesen

Sidney and Catherine Garvie

John and Shirley Gifford

Elsie Gillies

Michelle Gisiger

Ray Gottfried

Blaine Grapentine

James and Eleanor Griffiths

Arnold Grudeski

Wayne and Lydia Hacking

Denis Hallson

Mirjana Hamzic

To Hansane

Bernice Hapichuk

Nick and Pearl Hogeveen

Gordon Holland

Gerald and Trudy Holowchuk

Judi Houssin

Nick and Bonnie Iafolla

Rozin and Catherine Iwanicki

David and Deborah Jackson

Marjorie Jacobson

Carole Janik

Norman Jensen

Fredrick Johnson

Wendy and Kelvin Kathler

Kevin and Els Kavanaugh

Emil and Dorothy Kiziak

Joseph Koch-Schulte

Bohdaw Kozoris

Abram Krahn

Kirk and Sonia Kuppers

Hal Frank Klassen

Adolf and Brigitte Kussmann

Mary Kuzminski

Andre and Lillian LaFleche

Rosemarie Langford

Diane Letwin

Stephen and Agnes Leung

Jean Loucks

Alan Luszeck

Raymond and Rose-Marie MacNamara

Lawrence and Alice Maksymetz

Louise and Marcel Mallot

Emily Markiw

Peter and Stella Maruca

Geoffrey and Pam Massey

Michael and Winnifred Matich

William Mazur

David and Maureen McBride

Lynda McCorvie

Larry and Audrey McCrady

Lily McGowan

Paul McKenna

Betty and Scott McLaughlin

Richard and Janet McPherson

Hazel Melnick

Gerry and Merryl-Lee Mercier

Keith and Judith Miller

Mr. David Mills

Marvin and Viola Mirochnick

Youssef Mouzahem

Susan Mukosayi

Randy and Margaret Neuls

Selma Nordstrom

Harry Obedzinski

Linda Offenloch

Meryl and Ron Orth

Elizabeth Patzer

Patricia Pauls

Mary Petrow

John and Gail Philbin

David Pollock

Steffie and Mark Prydun

John and Dorothy Quail

Marilyn Rainkie

James and Josie Rak

Bradley Rayner and Jacqueline Field

Jean Ramsey

Wayne Rees

Herbert and Marlene Regier

Ruth Rempel

Adeline Romas

Inez Rowson

Diane Saranchuk

Helen Searle

Michael Shewel

Leendert and Hendrika Slikker

Douglas and Lynne Smith

Bernice Smith

Lolita and Steven Smith

Wilda Smith

Joyce Smyth

Judy Stamler

Norman and April Stapon

Carl & Mary Starodub

Alfred Stephens

Robert and Kathleen Stokes

Allan Strank

William Stroich

Jeanette Stuart

Robert Sutherland

Frank Szturm

Bernice Taylor

Gerry Taylor

Viola Telke

Abram Thiessen

Diana Torossi

Hien-Duc Tran and Minh-Nguyet

Kathryn Urban

Judith Wagner

Mona Wall

Caroline Wall

Alexander and Jeannette Warga

Michael Weretyk

Howard Wiebe

Ronald and Elza Wiebe

Rudolf Willms

Helen E. Wilson

George Wilson

David & Marilyn Winter

Donors and Supporters – Thank You!

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